Understanding the PeRSEVERE Principles

There are 17 PeRSEVERE principles, arranged in four groups:

O: overarching principlesThese guide the overall approach to preparing for and managing participation changes in clinical trials and other research.
D: study development and participant informationThese cover aspects of clinical trial setup, including providing clear information to potential participants.
M: data management and monitoringEnsuring good quality data is collected about participation changes, and using that data to oversee what’s happening in each trial.
R: study analysis and reportingEnsuring each trial’s analysis has the best chance of reaching a reliable results, and producing clear trial reports.

Use the submenu to explore these in more detail.

The PeRSEVERE principles are intended to be comprehensive, covering all areas of clinical trial design, conduct, analysis and reporting.

We suggest using them as a toolkit – accessing the principles that are most useful to a given situation or task.

Go to PeRSEVERE Project Documents to download a short summary of PeRSEVERE’s key messages, or a full copy of the ‘Principles and Explanation’ document containing all the content from these webpages.