On these pages, you will find detailed guidance suggesting how the PeRSEVERE principles can be put into practice. Go to About to read about how we put this guidance together.
The guidance is split into 8 sections. These are covered in the submenu. You can also download the same content on the PeRSEVERE Project Documents page.
The suggestions in this guidance are more detailed than the general recommendations given in the PeRSEVERE principles and accompanying explanations.
We still expect individual trial teams to make their own judgements, based on their knowledge of their trial, their research area, and the patients they work with. We recognise there will sometimes be good reasons to deviate from our recommendations.
Although we encourage use of this guidance in other settings, it has been written primarily for Registered Clinical Trials Units within the UKCRC Network.
This is reflected in the terminology used (e.g. ‘CTUs’) and some assumptions about trial settings.
We aim to accommodate different arrangements of CTUs, sponsors and participants. This includes trials where CTUs have no direct contact with participants (i.e. because participants are only in contact with ‘trial sites’), trials where CTUs have some participant contact, and trials where there are no trial sites (i.e. where the CTU works only directly with participants). We have aimed to accommodate all trial designs, not just randomised controlled trials.
We use ‘trial staff’ as a general term to mean all those working on behalf of a trial, in any capacity. We use more specific terms where needed (e.g. ‘CTU staff’, ‘trial site staff’, ‘clinical staff’ etc). We use ‘trial team’ to mean those responsible for designing and managing the trial.